Think you know the music of Aaron Copland? Think Again!

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Hello I'm Kevin Lindegaard and I'm a huge fan of the music of Aaron Copland

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Copland 125 - Future facing, grass roots music festival aimed at children, young artists and aspiring composers

Aaaron Copland and the American Legacy of Gustav Mahler - book cover

Aaron Copland and the Legacy of Gustav Mahler by Matthew Mugmon

Aaron Copland and the Legacy of Gustav Mahler by Matthew Mugmon is illuminating, thought provoking and at times frustrating. Its thesis is that America’s Composer Aaron Copland was influenced by the romanticism and neo...

CD library of Copland recordings

Music Copland – Follow me on Twitter and be introduced to a different piece every day in 2020

2020 is the 120th anniversary of Aaron Copland’s birth and the 30th anniversary of his death. In addition, it’s the 75th anniversary of the premiere of Appalachian Spring and also happens to be the...

Kevin Lindegaard introduces pianist Allan Schiller who is sat at his piano playing Simple Gifts

Happy 75th Birthday Appalachian Spring! Allan Schiller plays Simple Gifts

To mark the 75th anniversary of the premiere of Appalachian Spring – this monumental achievement of music and dance, Allan Schiller plays the Simple Gifts variations. To find out more about Allan Schiller and...

We’re organising child friendly classical music concert series in Bristol with pianist Allan Schiller

We are delighted to announce a series of tea time mini concerts featuring world famous pianist Allan Schiller. The concerts will run every other month at Totterdown Baptist Church in Bristol and in each...

Young ballerina or dancer girl putting on her ballet shoes on the wooden floor. Ballet dancer tying ballet shoes. close-up

Is the 75th Birthday of Appalachian Spring going to pass unnoticed? Not on my watch!

Appalachian Spring is a pivotal work of 20th century music. In a collaboration that was made in heaven, it brought together two giants of composition and choreography, Aaron Copland and Martha Graham just at...

A radio in a kitchen

The Copland Radio Top 10 Countdown (in the UK anyway)

I love BBC Radio 3 for lots of reasons. It has more live music than any other station, they play a wide range of music that covers both classical and jazz with something new...

Young ballerina or dancer girl putting on her ballet shoes on the wooden floor. Ballet dancer tying ballet shoes. close-up

Dance Panels – A Copland Greatest Hits Collection

Dance Panels is virtually a Copland Greatest Hits collection! It comprises seven short contrasting pieces that showcase the many different facets of Copland’s composition style. It was originally intended to be a ballet, commissioned...

BBC Symphony Orchestra rehearsing Music for a Great City at Snape Maltings

Music for a Great City – rare outing at Aldeburgh Festival

Hats off to the Aldeburgh Festival, Oliver Knussen and the BBC Symphony Orchestra. A premiere and three rarities in the Snape Maltings Hall on a packed Saturday Night including Copland’s monumental Music for a...

The Piano Variations part of major workout at Snape

The Piano Variations is a pivotal Copland work. If Appalachian Spring is the crowning glory of his populist idiom then the Piano Variations plays the same role for his modernist works. 20 variations in...

Kevin Lindegaard standing next to a bale of bracken

Aaron Copland and Me

This blog is a celebration of the music of Aaron Copland. I first knowlingly became aware of Aaron Copland and his music the day after he died on 2 December 1990. The BBC news...