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Copland & Me

Rock Hill - Aaron Copland's House

A pilgrimage to Rock Hill – Copland House

Way back in the mid 1990s when I was in my first wave of Copland mania I found out about Copland House. They were the only organisation I could find on the web at...
Kevin Lindegaard standing next to a bale of bracken

Aaron Copland Piece of the Day – My Twitter review of the works of Copland is complete!

As New Year’s Resolutions go, my Aaron Copland Piece of the Day Tweets have been an out an out success! Hardly ever have I stuck so rigidly throughout the following year to an aspiration...
Young blond woman and flute against white background in studio

Help me find the flautist’s friend & the hero of the harp….!

Have you ever wondered which of the great composers wrote the best bits for different instruments in their orchestral scores? I do all the time! I’m not a musician, just a keen listener with...
CD library of Copland recordings

Music Copland – Follow me on Twitter and be introduced to a different piece every day in 2020

2020 is the 120th anniversary of Aaron Copland’s birth and the 30th anniversary of his death. In addition, it’s the 75th anniversary of the premiere of Appalachian Spring and also happens to be the...
Kevin Lindegaard standing next to a bale of bracken

Aaron Copland and Me

This blog is a celebration of the music of Aaron Copland. I first knowlingly became aware of Aaron Copland and his music the day after he died on 2 December 1990. The BBC news...
Aaron Copland black and white image with his hand out

Think you know the music of Aaron Copland? Think again!

Aaron Copland is known principally for a handful of works composed in the late 1930’s and 1940’s. The aim of this blog is to introduce his relatively unknown and neglected pieces to a wider...