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Stephen Darlington and Jonatham Darlington wearing evening suits and sitting in front of the Steinmeyer organ at the Meistersingerhalle in Nuremburg.

Darlington meets Darlington at the Nürnberger Symphoniker – review

100 years and two months ago Aaron Copland’s Symphony for Organ and Orchestra was premiered by the New York Symphony Orchestra. At the end of the concert the conductor Walter Damrosch turned to the...
Smith Square, London

Music for a Great City: The Outcry Ensemble at Smith Square – Review

Even though I have been to plenty of superb performances this year there are a few good ‘uns that I’ve missed. Work, the Olympics and a family holiday have scuppered John Wilson at the...

The Tender Land at Piccolo Regio Puccini, Torino – Review

Like most people I have plenty of Bucket List entries that I want to tick off in my life. Many of these are of course associated with the music of Aaron Copland and one...
Bristol city scape with Moon

Bristolian Spring – Part 2: My roundup of the latest concerts in Bristol

I love my city – Bristol. For sure, there are things that annoy me – the lack of a mass transit system – why? And certain derelict buildings that have stood like eyesores for...
Bristol historic docks

Bristolian Spring – Part 1: My roundup of the latest concerts in Bristol

At heart I’m a city boy. Even though my job involves working with farmers and I love country walks and nature spotting, I feel the need to be close to where culture is. I...
jonathan Goodard as the Monster in Mark Bruce company's Frankenstein

Frankenstein – Mark Bruce Company’s unmissable new dance double bill

I really like contemporary dance and I love modern classical music. It’s not often I see them combined as it’s hard to keep one’s eyes peeled on all the listings and besides many events...
Total Immersion Missy Mazzoli flyer

Total Immersion: Missy Mazzoli at the Barbican

Over the last few days I have had this idea in my head. If there was a new Mount Rushmore exclusively set aside for contemporary American composers, which four heads would be carved in...
The Sound World Ensemble rehearsing at the Mount Without.

Sound World @ The Crypt – 14 Jan: Concert review

I’ve been pretty busy over the last couple of weeks so this is a rather belated review of the second Sound World concert in the Crypt at the Mount Without (read my review of...
Bristol Beacon classical concert artworks showing hands reaching out to eachother

A great weekend in Bristol culminating in the World Premiere of Jonathan Dove’s Odyssey – Review

Bristol seemed to be like the centre of the classical musical world these last few days! We’ve had several features on BBC Radio 3 in the prominent Breakfast and In Tune slots and the...

Love, existence and death – Trio Chagall paint pictures of Vitebsk – Review

At the end of yesterday’s concert at Wigmore Hall pianist Lorenzo Nguyen said that as the concert had been “very tough” that their encore piece would be a movement from Haydn trio. This did...